
Democratizing Webscale Storage For The Enterprise With Hedvig

Companies like Facebook, Google and Amazon are utilizing cutting-edge technologies that most organizations can only dream about. But there’s one vendor that’s hoping to change that by helping to bring some of the technologies being implemented by the behemoths in our industry to enterprise IT by democratize webscale storage.

During our latest RoadCast video series, we spoke with Eric Carter, Sr. Director of Product Marketing at Hedvig, to learn more about what the company is doing in this innovative space. Carter tells us that because the company’s founder came from Facebook and Amazon, the essence of what Hedvig is all about is to democratize the thinking and the technology for the enterprise. The hope is that this will help enterprise IT be more agile, lower their technology costs and ultimately become more modern as a result.

Today, most enterprises are still utilizing a lot of different type of storage technologies, which create silos. Hedvig’s goal is to offer a full feature set of storage capabilities that can accommodate the various needs, Carter explains, in order to help enterprises declutter their data centers. Instead of maintaining a SAN, a NAS, an object storage system and separate backup storage, Hedvig is helping organizations service these different storage needs with a single, modern platform.

Carter says that this in turn will help enterprise organizations find a more standardized way of delivering storage. By leveraging commodity infrastructure and automation along with a more simplified way of thinking, enterprises can bring an AWS-like experience to their customers, consolidate their silos and begin delivering storage more effectively and efficiently.

It’s a big transformation not just in the technologies that are being used, but also in the approach and mindset, thinking more like a service provider. In the video, Carter offers more details on what Hedvig is doing to help organizations in this area along with what they’re able to bring as a storage platform to help enterprises reach these goals. And one of the key aspects of this is being able to pay and scale as you grow, says Carter, just like Google, Facebook, Amazon and the like.

In the video, Carter also discusses what Hedvig is doing to bring DevOps technologies and methodologies, software-centric solutions and ultimately a digital business transformation for enterprise IT both on-premises and in the cloud. Watch the video to learn more and visit

Security, Encryption & Logging

In a separate video, Carter covers what Hedvig is doing in the security and encryption space with its latest 3.0 release. Offering end to end protection, the data is encrypted right where it’s being used and continues to be protected all the way across the network and down into storage and as it is being replicated, says Carter. Data is encrypted through policies in-flight and at rest, so that no matter where the data is being transmitted it’s being protected by Hedvig’s encryption mechanism, Carter explains.

Watch the complete video to learn more about Hedvig’s 3.0 release and the advanced security features customers can expect from it. And if you’re ready to see Hedvig’s distributed storage platform in action, download the software and get a demo at