
092 – Prepare Yourself for ‘Phishing 2.0’

Phishing is evolving. The bad guys are getting better at tricking end users and getting their information, and they’re starting to use more sophisticated techniques, including Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), to find and exploit more targets.

The way to fight back, according to Patrick Harr, CEO of SlashNext, is to employ the same techniques to defeat them.

Harr talks with ActualTech Media Partner James Green about how to do that on this episode of “10 on Tech.” They take a deep dive into the next wave of phishing, and how to protect yourself and your company against the newly emerging threats.

Highlights of the show include:

  • How phishing is moving beyond simple email attacks
  • The dramatic increase in phishing attacks since the start of the pandemic
  • The reason ransomware often starts out as phishing
  • How SlashNext uses big data to spot new attack vectors

Resource links from the show:

SlashNext homepage — https://www.slashnext.com/

Try SlashNext for free — https://www.slashnext.com/free-trial-request/

Request a SlashNext demo — https://www.slashnext.com/request-a-demo/

Phishing 2.0 is Here: Make Sure You’re Prepared — https://www.slashnext.com/blog/phishing-2-0-is-here-make-sure-youre-prepared/

We hope you enjoy this episode; and don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes, Google Play, or Stitcher